Get Prepared for IA Inspections & Quick Checks
Knock, knock, It’s the FDA, and their Quick Checks & IA inspections are no joke. Quick Checks have begun, and routine Intentional Adulteration inspections will resume at some point in the future. To this end, numerous companies are actively preparing their Food Defense Plans, while many others have not even started. Do you know the best way to assess your vulnerability and ensure your Food Defense Plan will be compliant? Is it based on your KATs, using the 3 Elements approach, or employing a hybrid method?
Not sure? Spend an hour with expert FSPCA Lead Instructor Christopher Snabes from The Acheson Group. He will:
- review the FDA Intentional Adulteration (IA) regulation
- suggest several sure-fire ways to conduct your vulnerability assessments
- prepare you for a Quick Check
- provide training resources for virtual IA Vulnerability Assessment Training.
Then, after the webinar, when someone knocks at your door, you can confidently respond, “Who’s there?”
About the Presenter

Christopher Snabes, MS
Director of Food Safety
- 18+ years food industry experience
- Certified food scientist, food microbiologist
- One of very few authorized Lead Instructors for the Vulnerability Analysis component of food defense plans